Tuesday, February 23, 2010

I'm a Model!!!

Today I went out to Costa Mesa to do a studio shoot for a clothing company called "Illustrait". My girlfriend modeled for the female clothing, and there was a very fit male model. Well the very last shoot of the day was supposed to be a hoodie. One problem; it was a large, and the model was a medium. While he was swimming in the sweater, everyone jokingly said "Matt, you should model the hoodie!", and well, here you go........

I'm a Model

Saturday, February 20, 2010


I have to admit that I love a great sun flare shot. It's a technique I've been trying to learn recently, and try to get a much practice as possible. I recently had a photo shoot with some great friends of mine on Valentine's day. There was plenty of light, and for one of the shots, I really focused, no pun intended, on getting a great sun flare shot. He's my best image at what I think is a really fun technique. Let me know what you think, or maybe even any advice on how to make it better.